Mark Viers acoustic block party featuring performances by Janet Gardner of Vixen, Todd Poole of Roxy Blue, Anthony Corder of Tora Tora and Survivor‘s Jimi Jamison‘s daughter Amy Jamison! This exclusive, invitation only show happened on a rather hot and humid Saturday afternoon on a porch in Bourbonnais, Illinois 7-24-2021.
You are probably wondering who this Mark Viers is, and why this show is exclusive? Well Mark is an avid music enthusiast that I refer to as one of my “concert regulars”, as in I regularly see him at shows I photograph! During Covid-19 he got sick of there being no shows and started joking around with Janet Gardner and her husband Justin James about having them play at his house! One thing lead to another and this joke turned in to him having a handful of musicians wanting to come play a show at his house! When he started talking to the authorities about him actually having a concert in his front yard he found that he could as long as he doesn’t promote it on social media! Hence the exclusive, invitation only part! Despite the hot weather and 15 minute downpour it was a great show and had a turnout of about 200 people!
This is Mark Viers with Amy Jamison, Todd Poole and Anthony Corder
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I’m a local photographer and artist from the Joliet IL area. I have been photographing for over 5 years and specialize in events and natural portraits.
There are many different kinds of photographers out there that have very different pictures. Some create images, some make scenes, I capture moments!
As an avid rock n roll fan, I love capturing the energy of concerts! That being said, I always strive for a great crowd shot! The band is the main focus, but they wouldn’t be there if not for their fans!