TED NUGENT Discusses New Cactus Record, A Gonzo Book, Guitars, Family, And A Woman Named Mike June 11, 2024



Some love him, some hate him, some simply call him Uncle Ted. No matter where you stand politically or musically, I think everyone can say that they know where Ted Nugent stands. There really aren’t too many people on our planet that are as energetic, alert, quick-witted, and intense as Ted Nugent.

In this interview, as always, Ted is bright, clear and concise, candid, and dare I say delightful. Coming out of this conversation I felt energized and inspired, as well as appreciated and embraced. We talked about Cactus; the great music they made in the past, and the excellent new star-studded record, Temple Of Blues: Influences And Friends. We talked about family, discipline, guitars, conservationism, a new autobiographical book, feeding the hungry, and yes, the broken government and the Obamas as well. So, strap in and let the Gibson Byrdland power chord take the wheel!

This is Ted Nugent, raw and unfiltered.



“One Way… Or Another” video:





Patriots Fest – Aurora, Illinois

May 18, 2024





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