DAYS BETWEEN STATIONS’ Sepand Samzadeh & Oscar Fuentes Bills Discuss New Album And Artwork, And More January 20, 2025



Sepand Samzadeh and Oscar Fuentes Bills are a duo of multi-instrumentalists that create their own brand of music that has been labeled as progressive rock, art rock, even psychedelic and space rock. The band was formed in 2003 in Los Angeles, and they now have four studio records available, that include legendary guests like Tony Levin, Peter Banks, XTC’s Colin Moulding, and the great Rick Wakeman, among many others.

In this interview, Sepand and Oscar share the origins of the band name, their relationship between the artwork and the music, and what they have coming up in the very near future.

Their latest record is called Perpetual Motion Machines (Music For A Film) and is available now!



“Seeds” video:






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