Hampshire’s Punk/Rock/Folk singer song writer “Frank Turner” stopped off at Liverpool’s Arts Club Tuesday night as part of his recent tour. To date Turner has released nine studio albums his latest being “FTHC”.
Turner didn’t sit still during the last two years of almost no live music, Instead he broadcast concerts from his living room on social media through which he was able to help raise almost £300,000 for small independent venues where he started his career. Hats off to the guy for thinking of the venues and people who work in the music industry during the uncertain time we have hopefully now passed through. I have been lucky enough to see and photograph Frank live quite a few times over the years and when I know I’m covering one of his gigs It’s always one I look forward to.
It was another lovely sunny late afternoon as we made our way to Liverpool and our venue tonight “The Arts Club” on the popular Seel Street. Parking just down the road from the venue it was noticeable to us that it didn’t seem as busy as normal but then it is a Wednesday night. There were quite a few people making their way up Seel Street with “Frank Turner” T Shirts on so that was a good sign. It soon became apparent that most people on Seel Street at the time where stood outside the venue waiting to get in, fair to say that this would be a sell out.
This was a stripped back acoustic set with just Frank and his Multi-instrumental “Sleeping Souls” band mate Matt Nasir. So it was just Frank on acoustic guitar and and Matt on mandolin playing songs from his latest album “FTHC” and quite a few older favourite tunes. One thing is for sure at a Frank Turner gig, it’s like a family gathering, his fans are treated like a family and in return his fans treat him as one of theirs. With this being a stripped back acoustic gig this was even more the case even with a sold out Arts Club.
Frank and Matt came on to the very sparse stage at exactly 8pm (no support tonight) and went straight into “The Gathering” which was performed as if they were half way through their set and in full flow. I must say right now that Matts mandolin playing is exceptional with quite a few great solos throughout the night. No pause after this first song and its straight into “Haven’t Been Doing So Well” again performed perfectly and with such a full sound considering its just Frank and matt on stage.
We then are treated to a little chat from Frank to his fans were he says he always loves coming to Liverpool also telling them that this will be his 2602nd gig also having done one earlier in the day at the Jacaranda. Frank is doing these duo shows during this tour and he tells us that usually these early shows are quite quiet because punters are not as pissed but this wasn’t the case in Liverpool which caused everyone to laugh.
“Marinda” is sang with much feeling and quite understandable as it’s about his farther who is now Marinda a fully transgender woman, as the first verse says
“My father is called Miranda these days
She’s a proud transgender woman
And my resentment has started to fade
Because it was never about who she was
Just the way that he behaved
And now my father is Miranda and we’re ok”
It’s a real song about a real life situation and the crowd respond to it as such.
Before starting the next song “1933” Frank tell us “This is for all the shithouses in London” and adds “resign already” always a popular theme in Liverpool. Another stand out moment was when frank was introducing his song “Reserectionist” which he explains should be a three vocals song so as there is only himself and Matt on stage we have to take the third vocal part and become part of the band. He tell’s us that no matter what shit he and Matt get up to on stage we must carry on, and his fans do a great job of the vocals and becoming a member of his band.
This gig was a lovely, acoustic rendition of Franks brilliant talents as a songwriter and lyricist, everybody was there to listen and sing along to his music and everybody was a fan and a member of The Frank Turner Family. Roll on the next 2602 gigs Mr Frank Turner.
1.) The Gathering
2.) Haven’t Been Doing So Well
3.) Photosynthesis
4.) Perfect Score
5.) Miranda
6.) 1933
7.) Resurrectionists
8.) The Work
9.) The Next Storm
10.) Little Life
11.) Punches
12.) Recovery
13.) Four Simple Words
14.) I Still Believe
Warren is a live music and festival photographer based in Cheshire and covers gigs/festivals mostly in the North West of England. He has been photographing live music for over 10 years and has covered major artists and festivals