After 20 years since they first arrived in Peru, the pioneering crossover thrash band, Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, better known as D.R.I. returned once again to our country, this time to celebrate 40 years of the band’s formation. As fans well know, D.R.I. was formed in 1982 in Houston, Texas and although their discography is not very extensive (only 7 full albums in 40 years!), their legion of fans remains loyal to the band and Peru is no exception. This concert, announced several months ago, was delayed due to different problems, including a change of venue, but happily everything was overcome, and the band led by Kurt Brecht, the only original member, presented a devastating show at the Yield Rock Bar last Friday night with the bands Skull Bones and Critical Defiance.
For me it was a joy to have the opportunity to photograph D.R.I. thanks to PMC Shows. This is a band that I heard for the first time in 1987 when they released their third album Crossover, curiously it was the album that helped coin the term “crossover thrash”. Let’s not forget that D.R.I. never gained a mainstream audience, but the integration of their hardcore punk roots mixed with thrash metal inspired many metal bands at the time. I arrived at the venue when the Chilean band Critical Defiance was still on the scene and they made a good impression on me. They are touring Peru and will play in some cities in the interior of the country. The public received them very well. I don’t have the setlist of the songs they performed, but it’s worth mentioning that they already have two albums released. Misconception from 2019 and the most recent No Life Forms from last year and with which they are touring some South American countries.
Felipe Alvarado – Vocals / Guitar
Rodrigo Poblete – Drums
Ignacio Arévalo – Bass
Javier Salgado – Guitars
24 hours after starting their Latin American tour in the city of Colombia, The North Americans appeared on the stage of the Yield Rock Bar a few minutes after 10 at night. The first theme was “The Application”, a song from their sixth album called Definition released in 1992. Then would come “Violent Pacification” from the remembered EP of the same name. From this song to the end of the show it was complete madness.
With “Madman” we began to remember the second album of the band Dealing With It from 1985, from this album we could hear five emblematic songs. There was also time to review the Four Of A Kind album with songs like “Dead In A Ditch”, “Suit And Tie Guy” and “Manifest Destiny” played one after the other and in which we were able to enjoy the impressive physical display of Kurt Brecht, who at 61 years of age gives himself to the maximum on stage. Their connection with those present was constant and proof of this was the mosh, jumps and faces of joy of all the fans who did not stop singing at any time.
It should be noted that long time member guitarist Spike Cassidy could not go on tour because he was recovering from an operation and Byron Ruelas was in charge of playing the guitar in his replacement. Ruelas did a job up to par, however, Cassidy’s absence meant that the show did not have as extensive a repertoire as expected in such an important celebration of 40 years of existence.
After a little bit more than an hour, the end would come with the remembered “I Don’t Need Society” and the highly anticipated “Five Year Plan” with which the band said goodbye to continue their tour of Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and finally Brazil, the only country where they have 3 dates.
Kurt Brecht: Vocals
Rob Rampy: Drums
Greg Orr: Bass
Byron Ruelas: Guitar
1.The Application
2.Violent Pacification
3.Mad Man
4.Couch Slouch
5.Acid Rain
6.Argument Then War
7.Who Am I
9.Dead In A Ditch
10.Suit And Tie Guy
11.Manifest Destiny
12.Syringes In The Sandbox
14.How To Act
15.Commuter Man
16.Nursing Home Blues
17.I Don’t Need Society
18.5 Year Plan
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I’m a photographer with extensive experience working for national and international media. I’m also a passionate photography educator with extensive experience working with students of different ages. I love Heavy Metal music and I began shooting concerts in 1992. Concert Photography is my passion. I’m based in Perú but willing to travel anywhere.