Queensryche Puts On a Stellar Performance at Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut on July 15, 2023



Queensryche fans started lining up to see the free show at Mohegan Sun Casino’s Wolf Den around 2:30 PM. By the time they opened the doors at 6:30 pm, the line was a mile long, leading to a near full house. With 16 studio albums, and over 20 million sold around the world this is no surprise. Currently touring to support their Digital Noise Alliance album which was released in October of 2022. 

Pantera‘s “Walk” began to play as the intro music for the band. They hit the stage blazing with “Behind the Walls”, off of their current album. The crowd was singing along the whole night. Next up they played “Don’t Look Back” off of their 2013 self-titled album. Theys guys were on fire, sounding, probably the best I have ever heard them in the 20 or so times that I have been to their shows. Todd’s vocals were spot-on and Casey always putting on a show behind the drums. The sound and lighting guys get big props for this show too. 

Next, they moved on to a few older more popular songs, “Spreading the Disease”, and “I Don’t Believe in Love”. I was really getting into it by now singing along to all the lyrics, in between capturing some great photos of the band. This really brought me back to the 80’s. Michael “Whip” Wilton and Mike “Stony” Stone blew us away with their back-to-back guitar parts at front and center stage. And, as always Eddie Jackson kicks ass on the bass guitar.

About halfway through the set, most of the band left the stage while Todd told us what the new song “Forest” was about. He said that it was written from the viewpoint of losing a parent and what that would be like to navigate through such a difficult time. “Something that most of us in this audience have gone through, and as Michael would say, most of us are on the wrong side of 50”. Many of the fans knew the words and sang along.

During one song, Todd took someone’s cell phone from the crowd and walked around the stage recording himself singing, taking closeups of the other members and also of the crowd. This made for a nice keepsake for that lucky person.  After a trio of crowd favorites, the house lights came on. Often, at this venue shows only last an hour, however, tonight was different. After a short break, and fans wondering if that was the end or not, Queensryche came back out for an ear-shattering encore of songs and then ending the night with “Eyes of a Stranger”. My ears are still ringing. (Even having used ear protection)

Spotted in the crowd, enjoying the show, were many other notable musicians, including Jimi Bell of Autograph, Jonathan Donais of Anthrax, Joey Vera from Armored Saint, and Ronnie Munroe who is most well known for having been a vocalist for Metal Church.

If you loved Queensryche back in the 80’s, you will be blown away at how they are still killing it live and still releasing album after album of incredible metal songs. They will be on tour through December and then will be on the 2024 Monsters of Rock Cruise, March 2-7. Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in their music and bring you back to your younger days.


Queensryche is:

Todd LaTorre – Vocals

Michael Wilton – Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals

Eddie Jackson – Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals

Casey Grillo – Drums

Mike Stone – Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals




1.Behind the Walls

2.Don’t Look Back

3.Spreading the Disease

4.I Don’t Believe in Love

5.The Whisper

6.In Extremis




10.Jet City Woman

11.Operation Mind Crime



13.Silent Lucidity

14.Screaming in Digital

15.Empty Room/Eyes of a Stranger





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